Community Resources – Natasha Townsend, YMAA
To address social isolation, the Youth Movement Against Alzheimer’s (YMAA) has set up virtual lunch and dinner meetings via video call to connect youth volunteers with older adults.
(Release after April 27)
COVID Conversations and COVID Conversations/Toolkit – Judy Thomas, Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
The Coalition for Compassionate Care of California has started an initiative to increase advance care planning during COVID. You can link to the initiative on the links above. They include numerous links to additional resources on advanced care planning (ACP) during COVID and is continuing to evolve.
SSC Letter to Speaker Pelosi – 4-8-2020
A letter to Speaker Pelosi asking her to prioritize NAADSA’s letter requesting funding to enable adult day service providers to serve their participants during and in the aftermath of the pandemic.
COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofits-UPDATED 4-1-2020
A compilation of COVID-19 funding and other resources for nonprofits in our county that we shared with our member organizations.
COVID Food Resources for Older Adults_by City – Updated 4/20/20
A spread sheet, searchable by city, showing all the COVID-19-adapted food and meal services available for seniors in Alameda County. This is a sharepoint document to be updated weekly by the AAA and housed on Alameda County’s 211 web site and incorporated into 211’s data base. Alameda County allocated $200,000 last month so that senior nutrition providers (home-delivered, congregate and brown bag) could serve any senior who needed meals or food, regardless of eligibility.